Dealing with Teeth Grinding with Nightguard and Other Alternatives

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If you wake up with pain in your jaw, a sore jaw, or pain in your tooth, there is a strong possibility that you may be suffering from bruxism. Bruxism, which is commonly known as teeth grinding is a condition that affects a significant number of adults worldwide. While there are multiple ways to address […]

How Effective Are Invisalign Braces/Clear Aligners Compared To Traditional Metal Braces?

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For several years, conventional braces were used to adjust or correct the alignment of teeth. However, more and more patients expressed their concerns pertaining to traditional braces as they cause a great amount of inconvenience physically as well as in functional aspects. Thanks to significant progress made in dentistry and equipment related to it, patients […]

Vital Signs That Indicate You Could Have Gum Diseases

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Just like your physical health, oral health is equally important. However, in the current day and age, we often disregard the importance of maintaining good oral health. Further, it is essential to note that simply brushing your teeth on a daily basis does not guarantee the fact that the mouth is in perfect health. you […]

5 Stages of Recovery After Extracting The Wisdom Tooth

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Impacted wisdom tooth almost always leads to problems like pericoronitis, decay and infections with no other solution but the removal of the wisdom tooth altogether. Wisdom tooth doesn’t contribute much in the chewing process, and their absence doesn’t have any severe effect on the jaw either. This is why wisdom tooth extraction has become a […]

3 Fundamental Reasons Why Replacing Damaged Tooth Is Essential

City Dental Care Blog 16 oct

Tooth enamel is the strongest entity in the human body. Yet, teeth are not considered as a ‘bone structure’ since unlike other bones, teeth aren’t able to regenerate once they are broken or damaged.  The modern cosmetic dentistry techniques then came up with the ‘Dental Implants’ as the most effective long-term solution for damaged teeth. […]


City Dental Care Blog 07 10 19

Oral health is one of the most underrated concerns of people unless it affects their eating habits and lifestyle. Making simple changes in food eating habits, you can improve your oral health. In this blog, we will discuss what to and what not to eat/drink to keep your teeth healthy and active.  City Dental Clinic […]


City Dental Care Blog 17 sep

With modern-day dentistry, winning back your beautiful smile isn’t just a phrase anymore. Dentists today are utilizing their skills to not only prevent dental diseases but also to improvise and recreate the entire oral structure.  With treatments like ‘Smile Makeover’, cosmetic dentistry can alter your existing smile by procedures like  Teeth whitening Tooth implants Dental […]


City Dental Care Blog 11 09 19

The human tooth is primarily made of two parts; the Crown which is the visible part of the teeth above the gums, and Roots which attach this crown to the jawbone within the gums. Inside this tooth is a hollow section filled with blood vessels, tissues and other cells. This hollow section is known as […]

The Relationship Between Oral Health and Overall Health

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It may come as a surprise for a lot of our patients and readers that there is a connection between oral health and overall health. What happens inside your mouth could make an impact on the other parts of your body. If there is an infection in the mouth, it can spread to other parts […]