Dental Bone Grafting

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Dental Bone Grafting in Wakad

People who lose their jawbone in accident, injury, or disease are recommended bone grafting surgery to replace or fix the damaged bones. Under this procedure, a bone graft may fill the affected area or provide additional support for structural stability.


Treatment Overview

The bone used for bone grafting can either be used from the patient’s own body or a deceased donor. Bone grafting surgery procedures can either be performed separately or together with implant placement depending upon the complexity of the patient’s bone damage.

There are many areas of the body suitable to perform bone grafts. In the jaws region, bone grafts installed are from inside of the mouth, in the area of the chin or third molar region, or the upper jaw behind the last tooth. In a much critical situation, a larger quantity of bone obtained is from the hip or the outer aspect of the tibia at the knee.


Why do you need Bone Grafting?

City Dental Care recommends dental bone graft in Wakad in one of the following cases:

  • In case of multiple or critical bone fracture or bone damage that doesn’t heal with primary treatment
  • Bone fusion to treat a diseased joint
  • Regenerating bone affected due to injury, disease, or infection.
  • To heal bone around an implanted device post-dental implant


Our expert team of professional dental surgeons has been performing bone graft surgery in Wakad with decades of experience. Till date, we have been the primary source of dental solution to our patients for all types of dental concerns. Visit our clinic for the best experience of dental treatment under the guidance of professional dentists.